
We are developer and manufacturer of components and systems in ozone technology.

Universal ozone solutions

Nowadays smart ozone technologies form the basis for environmental-friendly industry products concerning potable water and waste water treatment, livestock, fruit storage, odor removal, food processing, fish breeding, sterilization in pharma industry, hydrophilization in semiconductor industry and testing of materials.

Our corporate structure involves research, development, manufacturing, commissioning and after-sales-service. At our location in South-West Germany we manufacture universal ozone systems for various applications.

Recycling Life – with OZONE TECHNOLOGIES

Leading research institutes describe the use of ozone in oxidation, sterilization and hygiene processes as an inevitable and sustainable way for nature. Ozone is nature’s detergent which is practiced and proven over millions of years. The use of ozone does not produce any halogenated organic pollutants neither in water nor in air and soil, such as chlorine preparations do. The generating of ozone with Anseros ozone generators and ozone monitor are full-metal-free, without microbiological or pharmaceutical content and guarantees ultra-clean process water for pure water at maximum safety control.

Our ozone products

Contact us and arrange a non-binding consultation. We will be happy to advise you personally and individually.

Tel: +49-(0)7071-7995-0​

Maintenance-free, durable products
Certified quality from a single source
40 Jahre Know-How
Made in Germany


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