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Start | Applications | Washing and bleaching textile with ozone
Bacteria, germs and the like belong in healthcare to the unwelcome load of a cleaning textile. To the microorganisms to remove after work is done, the wash load is listed according to the Robert Koch Institute disinfectant admitted. Its effectiveness depends on time and temperature; the disinfection usually takes place at 60 °C and a duration of at least ten minutes.
In view of the rising energy prices and the great time pressure of building cleaning could consider washing with ozone alternative method for a cheaper, faster and ensure hygienic preparation of cleaning textiles. Due to its physicochemical properties, Ozone has long been used in very different areas. In air, drinking water and swimming pool water treatment it is used for disinfection. In wastewater treatment, the gas is used for disposal of turbidity, coloration, odor and the degradation of various water polluting fabrics.
It is also used in the sterilization of medicinal products devices. In the food industry, chicken eggs disinfected with ozone. And fresh fruit and vegetables can thanks ozone are kept hygienic. That the gas can also be used for the disinfecting treatment of the Americans already did in the 1970s years recognized.
After overcoming the initial difficulties, which is mainly due to a lack of understanding of the chemical mode of action of ozone, the process has Anglophone space now established. The authors Rip G. Rice, Marc DeBrum, Dick Cardis and Cameron Tapp figure in their 2010 book the Ozone Laundry Handbook (Ozone laundry manual) the number of ozone laundries in the 2,000 in the USA and 3,000 in the UK.1 The excellent disinfectant effect, the reduced consumption values for water and energy, lower washing and drying times as well described a longer service life of the textiles.
The PRO3 ® Laundering Process Tool was specifically developed for the treatment of textiles. It can be operated dry and/or wet. The disinfection and oxidation device is designed application-specific. The system is intrinsically safe. Only high-quality ozone-resistant materials are used. Software appropriate for the individual treatment steps ensures completely automatic operation of the system, which operates in batch quantities.
+ Disinfection of laundry (hotel, hospital)
+ Bleaching of laundry, especially of jeans (cf. Anseros NEWS, Feb. 28, 2014)
+ Cleaning of specialized suits
+ Sterilization of protective suits
+ Hockey clothes: jerseys, boots, gloves, helmets
+ Special suits for military and SWAT units, e.g. ABC/NBC protection suits