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Start | Ozone generators | Clean ozone generators with advanced discharging
Anseros developed a special type of ozone generator for pure application in different industry sectors. Ozone modules are made with quartz technology. Depending on the ozone concentration the amount of quartz modules increaeses in the COM-AD ozone generator.
For the provision of ozone performances in the range of 1 g O3/h to 1 kg O3/m3, ANSEROS uses quartz modules that can be operated very reliably without causing maintenance costs (TCO=0) โ no seals, no metal electrodes in the discharge space. The quartz tubes are arranged concentrically and welded at their ends.
As a carrier gas, each oxygen-containing gas mixture can be used, no matter if dry or wet. Doping gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, are not required in order to counteract loss of capacity (fouling electrodes). Even purest oxygen qualities can be used. For medium and small ozone capacities, an oxygen generator SEP is a sensible and economical solution. Oxygen is extracted from atmospheric air by means of a molecular sieve. The ozone output can continuously and almost linearly be controlled from zero to 100%. In the COM-AD-technology, ANSEROS uses electronic IGBT modules which produce highest ozone concentrations (up to 300g O3/m3), so the oxygen demand is very low.
The production costs of quartz modules and power supplies with dual dielectric are much higher than for mains frequency powered borosilicate tubes or plates, the quality of the ozone generator, however, must be as high as possible: ozone is only good when the ozone generator is up and running. The additional costs for quality are easily compensated for by maintenance costs that do not arise. The warranty on the quartz modules is 10 years.