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Start | Applications | Cooling water legionella free
The application of ozone as a microbiocide in cooling towers has become an accepted technology. Ozone can be generated from ambient air and then be dissolved into water. Ozone dosing can take place at various points. In the best case, the ozone gas is metered in after the circuit water pump via a side stream injection. The make-up water can also be treated with ozone. Another option is direct injection into the cooling tower basin.
+ No chemicals which increase the COD-value
+ No formation of AOX (halogenated organic carbons)
+ No contaminated discharge water (acc. Wasserhaushaltsgesetz §7a, Anhang 31)
+ Action only in the system
+ Use of ozone secures conformity with the law
+ Low germ numbers
+ Ozone saves consumption of back-up water
+ Reduction of back-wash cycles
+ Saves energy by means of better efficiency of heat transfer
preserves the environment
+ Lowest overall costs, most ecological economy
+ Ambiant air purification
+ Ozone generating
+ Ozone dosage
+ Ozone reactor
+ Monitoring of residual ozone dissolved in water and
+ Control of ozone performance
+ Ozone exhaust monitor for safety
The problem of biological growth in cooling towers and recooling plants has been resulted in serious accidents and even caused deaths.
In recent past, there were Legionella outbreaks in Ulm/Neu-Ulm (2010), Warstein (2013) and Jülich (2014). In all three cases, evaporative cooling systems were the source of serious Legionella infections. Since then there is a new directive from the VDI (VDI guidline 2047, sheet 2) for hygienic operation of evaporative cooling systems. In this new directive the limit of microorganisms with pathogenic effect on human, such as Legionella spp., is 100 cfu / 100 ml.
In the same directive, ozone treatment is recommended as suitable biocide to combat against legionella and other microorganisms. By using ozone and ozonide as oxidizing biocide, no further biocides are required to prevent biological growth. In addition, the required chemicals which prevent corrosion and fouling of the system can be stopped, leading to significant cost savings.
With respect to the key issues paper by the German Federal Environment Ministry (BMUB) for a new ordinance, the installation of ozone system in cooling water cycle is a prerequisite. The ANSEROS HOXON system is patented by the European patent office.